Singleton Baptist Church

9:30 am Sundays

Corner of Gardner Circuit and Bridgeman Road
Singleton Heights

We want our faith and our fellowship to be more than Sunday morning. Jesus changes everything, actually Jesus demands everything of us. Get in touch to find other ways that you can connect and be encouraged to live for Jesus daily.

We Sing

Singing is pretty unusual in Australian culture today, but has been a mark of Christian gatherings throughout the history of the church. We have a number of music teams who use their gifts to help us worship Jesus through song.

We Pray

We are blessed to be able to speak to our creator God. Jesus has opened the way for us to come to God as our Father. Our prayer times are led by one of the congregation to bring our corporate praise and requests to our Lord.

We Read God's Word

Each week we read from God’s words recorded in the bible. What a privilege that God would reveal himself to us in person and give us a book to record what he has said.

We are Taught

Listening to biblical preaching is an important part of our corporate worship service. Being faithful to God’s word and submitting our lives to it is very important to us.

We Welcome Children

Our services include a children’s talk and the opportunity for children to sing alongside adults as we worship Jesus. During school term there are Sunday School lessons for primary school age kids during the sermon time.

We Celebrate the Lord’s Supper

Twice a month (first and third Sundays) we eat one of the simplest meals together – the Lord’s Supper (Communion). This is open to all who love Jesus.